Most people will be enrolled in medicare when they turn 65. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions and information on how to register and benefits.
Learn about Medicare
We can assist you with any questions you may have about Medicare or other health and long-term care insurance needs.
Email or Call:
CALL: 310.546.4295
EMAIL: JMichaud@JaniceMichaud.com
However you choose to personalize your Medicare coverage, you will first need to sign up for Medicare A + B.
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Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Sign up for a my Social Security Account
Sign up for Medicare
Check Status
It also lets them know that you have a special enrollment available.
Medicare FAQs
Medicare is the federal medical insurance program for:
- People 65 and over
- People of any age who qualify for social security disability benefits and have been receiving these benefits for at least 24 months
- People of any age diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
- People of any age diagnosed with ALS
You need your Medicare card. And we can help you with that process.
If you are receiving Social Security Retirement benefits
You should get your Medicare card with A&B about 3 months before your Medicare eligibility date. Once you have your Medicare card, you can sign up for a Medicare Supplement, PartD or a Medicare Advantage Plan.
If you are turning 65 and don’t take Social Security yet
You could create a mysocialsecurity account and then apply for Part A and Part B thru the CMS website. The info is on our website, but we would gladly walk you through it.
If you worked through your Initial Open Enrollment and had group Coverage
You will need this form signed by your employer showing that you were covered so that you qualify to get Part B. You will submit the completed and employer signed form with your Part B application.
- The first of the month in the month of your 65th birthday. If your birthday is on the first of the month, benefits start the first of the month prior to your 65th birthday.
- When your employer coverage ends (65 and over).
- When your Part B coverage starts.
Call me so we can discuss your current:
- Names of Medications
- Frequency/Dosage
- Pharmacy Choice
Using this information we can compare all available plans and help you choose the best one with our proprietary software.
There are many plans to choose from and according to your specific healthcare needs and preferences we will be able to find the one that is best for you. We’ll discuss your current coverage, what you like and dislike about it. I will also ask you your doctors’ names so we may ensure they are on the chosen plan.